Saturday 19 December, in the town hall of Corbetta, the CEO of the Corbetta-based company handed over to the mayor of the city, Marco Ballarini, a batch of 3600 masks for the families in hardship.
The first face masks to be “Made in Indutex” were given to the City of Corbetta. This is the way Paolo Maria Rossin, CEO of the company specialising in protective clothing, has decided to inaugurate the production of masks that will get underway on a large scale in January 2021.
Saturday 19 December, in the town hall, the top manager of Indutex placed under the Christmas tree four boxes containing 900 masks each, arranged in 10-unit packages, with the explicit request to distribute the masks with the Christmas parcels that will be delivered by the city administration to needful families in the city. The total came to 3600 disposable surgical masks.
“For Indutex this is a significant investment and an opportunity to expand our business – explains the company CEO, Paolo Maria Rossin – personal protection is the essence of our production philosophy and our mission. During the course of the harshest months of the pandemic, our company and its employees, both at our site in Corbetta and at the plants in Romania and Tunisia, worked incessantly to supply hospital, clinics and emergency responders with the protective suits they needed for protection against the virus. During those months, we all became aware of the need to observe a few basic rules, including wearing a mask. Hence the idea to start a new product line, to provide the all-round protection offered by Indutex, not just to our heroes but to everyone”.
Thus, in the fall, the dream materialised with the purchase and commissioning of new machinery that makes it possible to produce Italian-made, certified and top quality face masks, which will make their debut on the market in January, at an affordable price and with all the quality guarantees of the Indutex brand.
“We would have liked to present this new challenge to the community and our partners with a big event, but the pandemic requires us to pay the utmost attention – says Rossin – so we thought that nothing could be more apt than announcing the start of production with a gift to those who are suffering the most because of the crisis. Everyone has the right to protect themselves and therefore the first Indutex masks will go to the needy families of the city. I thank the mayor, Marco Ballarini, and the entire administration, for allowing us, yet again, to transform a desire of ours into reality. Only by acting as a team we will be able to overcome this difficult moment”.
Other donations to local realities will follow.
The masks and their characteristics
At the end of January we will start making/distributing on a large scale two surgical models, Cleanguard® mask 3 and mask 4, with side straps, certified as medical devices.
Since they are type IIR they will also provide protection against respiratory droplets, thereby preventing the spread of airborne viruses.
As is known, surgical masks protect others from virus-containing particles exhaled by the person wearing the mask and this is why they are referred to as “altruistic”
Mask 3: disposable surgical mask in triple layer non-woven fabric with elastic ear straps and droplet barrier. The first layer consists of a soft TNT in contact with the skin; the middle layer is meltblown polypropylene; the outer layer is water-repellent spray-proof polypropylene. The elastic ear straps are dimensioned for adults and their length is predetermined and maintained constant by electronic devices that monitor their dimensions continuously. This characteristic, combined with the quality of the materials, means that this mask can be worn throughout its useful life in full comfort.
Mask 4: surgical face mask, having the same characteristics as mask 3 but equipped with an additional anti-droplet layer consisting of a dense, spray-proof polyethylene net.
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